Support new ERA features and the online server

I have started working on an ERA online service. This will allow GMs and players to access it without the need to host it locally, anywhere, at any time, with the latest features and fixes.

Doing this requires not only a lot of development time but also additional monthly costs to set up and maintain the cloud server on which it would run.

Instead of developing the service first and then trying to recover the cost and keep it running, I’m launching a crowdfunding/kickstarter/donation campaign using the simplest form possible: PayPal.

You can use the button below to contribute a one-time payment or set up a monthly donation. There is no minimum value here; every penny helps.

If all goes well, once the development of the online service is ready, it will be offered at a fixed monthly price, likely between 3 and 5 USD. Those who contribute before that will have their contributions considered as advance payment for the service at twice the value. For example, if you donate 3 USD now, and the service is established at 3 USD/month, your first two months will already be covered once we launch.

I can’t make any promises other than starting work on it. Refunds are not possible, so in case the project cannot be completed, the contributions will be used for additional development time of new ERA features.

If you’re not interested in using the online server but would still like to support the development of new ERA features, you can use the same button to contribute. User funding is always appreciated.

Having an account for the online server does not include the book packages available for ERA. You will still need to purchase the corresponding content via DTRPG, which will then be connected to the online server.

Thank you for your contribution!